Thursday 24 September 2015

Malaysian traditional dance

Malaysian have many kind of religion like malay,indian,chinese and and also Malaysian have many kind of traditional dance to ,like ulik mayang , kuda kepang , zapin and anything else.

Ulik mayang are the most popular dance in Terengganu. the dance is accompanied by its sing wich is both haunting and vigorous. Many dancer troupes prefer a composition of traditional insturuments likes drums,gongs,seruling and rebab. According to legend about ulik mayang are the spirits of the 7 princess. the fisherman are calling the spirits becouse the want to get more fish went they going out to sea. While most , it not all of these sacraments are no longer practiced in Malaysia, one particular myth has evolved into cultural dance masterpiece.

Kuda kepang are the traditional dance that passaage of time. Kuda kepang came from island of jawa , after that they migrate to Johor. Kuda kepang have many various name like jaran kepang, kuda lumping, jathilan and ebeg. The javanese people call a popular horse is a jaran kepang becouse the show is performed using anyaman kuda. Kuda kepang are the dance for the warrior horses that came form Jawa. Kuda kepang also have a spirit elements wents they are doing a offering kuda kepang .

Zapin is the muslim missionaries of the middle east namerly Persia and Arabia introduced the dance to malaya during the fifteenth century. The dancer must be male and female becouse they must compatibility by slow music. The music of zapin comes from instrument Gambus, Marwas, and violin. The dancers then play with each other, teasing , challenging and company.

- Izuan

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