Monday 14 September 2015

School Based Assessment

School Based assessment (SBA) is a form of assessment undertaken in the school. It is designed, administered, scored and reported on organized according to the procedures established by the Malaysian Examination Board (LPM). Thus, is one component of the assessment conducted by teachers of subjects continuously in the process of teaching and learning.

After Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin being as our Minister of Education, he changed Malaysia Schools Based Assessment from student's evaluation from examination 100 percent into assessment in the classroom. This transformation make a lot of shocked from teachers to students. The PBS system was introduced officially in primary schools starting with Year One in 2011 and in secondary schools with Form One students in 2012. From my thinking about PBS, this program give a lot disadvantages for advantages itself

starting form the teachers at school. PBS need a lot of time for teacher evaluate one by one their student. When the teacher being tired when evaluate the students, it is possible teacher will give low marks for their students because of the tiredness in their mind. It is not helpful to the students. Teacher also need to maintain their concentration.

- Afif Zuhdi 

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