Thursday 24 September 2015

Genetic engineering

Genetic engineerings is a powerful and potentially very dangerous tool. To alter the sequence of nucleolus of the DNA that code for the structure of a complex living organism, can have extremely effects although the potential benefits can be huge. These advances in genetic engineering make the possibility of designer babies a reality.

Another large problem with all types of genetic engineering is the interdependence of genes, while on the one hand one gene may code for several features, on the other hand many genes are frequently required to code for one characteristic.

It is worth remembering , when the risk of the use of nuclear power became apparents to the scientists and ethical considerations started among the scientific community , the decision was taken out of the scientists. It is possible that  the technological advances with genetic enginering could lead to equally or even more disastrous effects. It seems to me , that decisions regarding these technological tools are of a highly moral nature and need to be regarded as the respon of all of humanity.

- Izuan

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