Wednesday 30 September 2015

Life is essay

Hi readers
My name is Muhammad Syafik b Syukri. Yes, I am one of admin this blog. I am not perfect. I am not rich as Bill Gates, not handsome as Justin Bieber, not good enough in sports and not genius as Newton. I just a common teen. I always make mistakes. Some people hates me. I make mistakes and I say things I don't mean. I always try to control my brain but sometimes it beyond my control. My heart only speaks for itself and once got it own mindsets,there is nothing i can do to change it. There is two sides of me. The side that everyone see and the side that only a handful of people really get to know. I can be selfish and  overconfident. But also I can be beyond negative, careless, and I can feel as if all the weight in the world is placed on my shoulders. I can be the happiest person on this planet, but also I can feel as if I am just done with everything. Sometimes i get good grades but i also get bad ones.
I am not a perfect person and throughout my whole life I am going to be disappointed and brought down. However, I am also going to disappointed and bring down. Life is full of up and down like my mom always tell me. It is full of lessons and it is full of suprises. Achieving perfection is nothing but a mitos. The only way we can really achieve perfection is by making our  own definition. I guess all I am trying to say is I am only human, along with everybody in this world. I will continue hurt and be hurt, laugh and make someone laugh, and also love and be loved. It is what it is. Life is an essay. Your own essay. We must create a beautiful story by self. Life only what you make of it.
You only get as much as you put into it. So don't waste time to talk on how imperfect life can be, but just keep trying on making it your definition of perfect. People can only give you so much advice, but when it all comes down to it the decision will always be yours. Stop complaining on your imperfect life. Try hard and do action more than speak. Because
Life is an essay and life only what you make of it.
- Muhammad Syafik 

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Malaysia, what I know and you should know

To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia. I love my country and I love to be a Malaysian.

What make it so special is that we can all live harmoniously in this country, that is because the spirit of One Malaysia. The three largest ethnicity in Malaysia are Malays, Chinese and Indian. The official language is Bahasa Malaysia. Malaysia is multi-cultural society. The main ethnic groups are the native Malays as well as large population of Chinese and Indians. When visiting the country it is clear that the ethnicity retain their religions, customs and way of life. The most important festivals of each group are public holidays. There are 13 states and 3 federal territories in Malaysia.

There are three main destinations in Malaysia, they are Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak which are both in East Malaysia. Malaysia is quite well know for a beautiful beaches as there are many islands around the peninsular and also Sabah and Sarawak. Here are few the unique and beautiful beaches in Malaysia:

1. Kapalai Island Beach, Sabah

2. Sipadan Island Beach

3. Perhentian Island Beach

4. Rawa Island Beach

- Najmi Azmi

Most successful leader in Malaysia


Today I would like to share about most succcessful leader in Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Born in Lorong Kilang Ais, Seberang Perak, Alor Star, Kedah in 10 July 1925. He was the youngest of nine siblings. In mid-1981, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Hussein On announced his retirement, naming Dr Mahathir as his successor. On July 10 1981, Dr Mahathir became the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia. On 31 October 2003, Dr Mahathir retires. The reason I choose as the most successful leader in Malaysia because he was a good leader and his innovative ideas on improving the lives of the Malaysian people.

He launced Visison 2020 in 1991 as a step to familiarize the citizens of Malaysia with the future he planned for the country. According to him, in order for Malaysians to proceed towars its goals, the citizens of Malaysia were to face nine challenges. Not only that, Vision 2020 was also used to establish a single, united Malaysian nation that would unite our multi-racial citizens.

With Vision 2020, Tun Dr Mahathir also develop a plan to build a symbol for the nation by constructing the World's tallest building. The creation of the Petronas Twin Towers came to be the tallest from 1997 until 2003. With his ties with Petronas, Tun Dr Mahathir urged Petronas to reach out abroad to secure future petroleum supplies.

Last but not least, Tun Dr Mahathir had also contributed to the Malaysian education system. He had managed to introduce Science and Mathematics to be taught in English for students from primary schools until secondary schools. In addition, Tun Dr Mahathir wants everyone to study in one type of school so he make Government National Secondary School as well-equipped and attractive.

The conclusion, Tun Dr Mahathir has proven himself as a worthy leader. With his visionary mind and brilliant ideas he played an important role in improving the science and technology sector in Malaysia. He was also responsible in improving our education system. Through the years, Tun Dr Mahathir is now remembered most for his achievement on making Malaysia better place through Vision 2020, which his become not only his dream but a dream for the whole nation.

- Muhammad Syafik

Monday 28 September 2015

A national treasure (Malaysia)

Treasure national heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation like A-Famosa, National Monument, old castle, Merdeka Stadium in Kuala Lumpur. However, nowadays more and more visible Genari leave because they oppose the awareness level is too low. They should realize that this country's heritage must be preserved because it has a thousand and one meaning behind him.

Among the importance of preserving the country's heritage into a tourist attraction, whether tourist in their own country or abroad. Storage of waste materials colonist had appealed to tourist to see for themselves the unique creations of society before. This prove sector increased tourism in cities such as Georgetown, Melaka, Kota Bharu is very important in the period 1990 to 1997. That heritage is one of the main causes of industrial is so strong at the same time constitutes the country's economy.

More importantly, maintaining our heritage is important to remember what happened in our country. The old building was given a new lease can restore the true meaning to us a all as an example of an independent stadium which has become a silent witness to the country's independence. The cry for independence led by Tunku Putra Al Haj Abdul RAhman on August 31, 1957 took place in stadium. If the building is not likely reared young generation will forget our history in our country.

Finally, the public should be aware of the importance of preserving the national heritage. Therefore, all efforts should be intensified to, to ensure the country's heritage is not back deck shower, deck eternal summer. It can be said that the maintenance and preservation of this heritage can enhance the image and identity of our country on the world stage.

- Afif Zuhdi

Malaysian cars vs foreign cars

There are many type of various cars in Malaysia such as Proton and Perodua. These cars are very affordable and cheap. But many people in Malaysia like to use foreign cars because the design and those component in the car is a good quality compare to Malaysian cars.

Foreign cars is the famous cars in the world such as Honda, Nissan, Toyota and others. Although it expensive but its just nice and good condition. Proton is the first car that Malaysia ever create, it was made in September 1985 at its first manufacturing in Shah Alam, Selangor. The first car they built was Proton Saga. Even the design was not quite good but the body was made by steel and it can last longer.

Proton is a second automobile car after Proton. They launched it on 1993 and the car model was Perodua Kancil which is small and cute car. Many teenager use it to go to college and its just nice to look. Then, the component between Malaysian car and foreign car is foreign car is more quality than Malaysia car because they have a modern technology and they quite expensive.

- Najmi Azmi

Sunday 27 September 2015

Early childhood education shapes children personality

In my opinion, children need exposure as read fair practice, thought and talk at age five to seven years. Appropriate educational disclosed at this stage is a pre-worship and morality. The new child of an age to be trained mummayiz pray and study the interior.

Children should also be taught the noble ethics shall commence with effect in the form of practical training such as teaching children to talk or hang out for good, or in immediate. Teach your children to speak well, teach children manners while eating or drinking, teach your children manners when hanging out with their friends, educating children obedient and respectful to parents, children should be taught truthful and honest with parents and others.
- Afif Zuhdi

Saturday 26 September 2015

Technology kills humanity

Since the beginning of time human race start to developed tools make life easier and more comfortable. As century goes by human called IT Technology. It true make life simple but it tents to make life more complicated. Let us began with cell phone. It rather a simple device that everyone can own it. IT connect us around the within a second and millions use the while driving or walking. IT becomes unsafe and kills us.

Another example is computer. No one can deny that. They are widely use in factory. Example in the car industry. Robot or computer took over human jobs. They are more efficient and work longer hours. In the 21st century more people lose their jobs. Beside that educate individuals can use computers to expand their knowledge but the less educate are stuck where they are. Furthermore on incorrect keystroke can set up a disaster to the world.

- Najmi Azmi

Friday 25 September 2015


Homeschooling are the most important thing that the parents must know after they children came back from school. The advantages for homeschooling are what your children learn and when they learn it, build intimate and meaningful relationships with your children, and tailor your teaching to fit your children's dominant learning styles.

Firstly advantages are what your children learn and when they learn it, the parents must know what they children do for example, the parents must see what they children studying always teach him when they are don't know.

Secondly, build intimate and meaningful relationship with you children. When your children are study, bring a food for your children. For example, bring a cookies for your children when they are study that can make a meaningful relationship.

Lastly, tailor your teaching to fit your children dominant learning styles. As a parents when we learn our children we must learn they with soft and gentle. For example, when they got bad in exam, we must advice them and give them a support.

The conclusion, homeschooling are important thing for our children to get more knowledge.

- Izuan

Thursday 24 September 2015

Genetic engineering

Genetic engineerings is a powerful and potentially very dangerous tool. To alter the sequence of nucleolus of the DNA that code for the structure of a complex living organism, can have extremely effects although the potential benefits can be huge. These advances in genetic engineering make the possibility of designer babies a reality.

Another large problem with all types of genetic engineering is the interdependence of genes, while on the one hand one gene may code for several features, on the other hand many genes are frequently required to code for one characteristic.

It is worth remembering , when the risk of the use of nuclear power became apparents to the scientists and ethical considerations started among the scientific community , the decision was taken out of the scientists. It is possible that  the technological advances with genetic enginering could lead to equally or even more disastrous effects. It seems to me , that decisions regarding these technological tools are of a highly moral nature and need to be regarded as the respon of all of humanity.

- Izuan

Malaysian traditional dance

Malaysian have many kind of religion like malay,indian,chinese and and also Malaysian have many kind of traditional dance to ,like ulik mayang , kuda kepang , zapin and anything else.

Ulik mayang are the most popular dance in Terengganu. the dance is accompanied by its sing wich is both haunting and vigorous. Many dancer troupes prefer a composition of traditional insturuments likes drums,gongs,seruling and rebab. According to legend about ulik mayang are the spirits of the 7 princess. the fisherman are calling the spirits becouse the want to get more fish went they going out to sea. While most , it not all of these sacraments are no longer practiced in Malaysia, one particular myth has evolved into cultural dance masterpiece.

Kuda kepang are the traditional dance that passaage of time. Kuda kepang came from island of jawa , after that they migrate to Johor. Kuda kepang have many various name like jaran kepang, kuda lumping, jathilan and ebeg. The javanese people call a popular horse is a jaran kepang becouse the show is performed using anyaman kuda. Kuda kepang are the dance for the warrior horses that came form Jawa. Kuda kepang also have a spirit elements wents they are doing a offering kuda kepang .

Zapin is the muslim missionaries of the middle east namerly Persia and Arabia introduced the dance to malaya during the fifteenth century. The dancer must be male and female becouse they must compatibility by slow music. The music of zapin comes from instrument Gambus, Marwas, and violin. The dancers then play with each other, teasing , challenging and company.

- Izuan

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Bilingual education

Bilingual education is a form of education in which information is presented to the student in two or more language

In Malaysia, bilingual education is a method used to teach English in public schools. The concept is that teaching English Language Learner partially in their native language will enhance their understandings of the curriculum and help them succeed in English environment. The hope is that once Ell Students are fairly proficient in English so that they can continue their education in classes with their English speaking peers

Bilingual education is nothing more than natural language change, teaching our nation students in more than one language will not be expense of English fluency. That can make Malaysian's students successful in their future.

- Iqbal Zubir

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Enviromental problem facing by my country today

Our environment is constantly change. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. There are a few example that may cause disasters to our environment.

Air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution require millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. While water pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain and anything else example at Bedong, Kedah. Soil pollution is majorly caused by industrial waste that depires soil from nutrients.

Many people don't consider that what they do will affect for future generations. If humans continue moving forward in such a harmful way towards the future, then there will be no future for us to consider.

- Iqbal

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Traditional foods

Traditional food are those foods nourished our ancestors throughout history to the advert of industrialization of food. Traditional food as our ancestors knew them were unprocessed, naturally raised, largely raw and decidedly unlined. These food represent the natural diet of humankind and nourished the natural growth and evaluation of the human species for thousand year prier to the industrialization of food. Traditional foods enjoy better health than people consuming a largely refined diet of modern foods, heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, obesity, and other diseases wore largely absent in cultures subsisting on native diet.

Lastly, traditional foods focused on two basic principles. First, collaboration of unrefined, whole and natural foods. Secondly, respecting the importance of nutrient-density in our food.

- Iqbal Zubir

Monday 14 September 2015

School Based Assessment

School Based assessment (SBA) is a form of assessment undertaken in the school. It is designed, administered, scored and reported on organized according to the procedures established by the Malaysian Examination Board (LPM). Thus, is one component of the assessment conducted by teachers of subjects continuously in the process of teaching and learning.

After Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin being as our Minister of Education, he changed Malaysia Schools Based Assessment from student's evaluation from examination 100 percent into assessment in the classroom. This transformation make a lot of shocked from teachers to students. The PBS system was introduced officially in primary schools starting with Year One in 2011 and in secondary schools with Form One students in 2012. From my thinking about PBS, this program give a lot disadvantages for advantages itself

starting form the teachers at school. PBS need a lot of time for teacher evaluate one by one their student. When the teacher being tired when evaluate the students, it is possible teacher will give low marks for their students because of the tiredness in their mind. It is not helpful to the students. Teacher also need to maintain their concentration.

- Afif Zuhdi 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Our Gallery !

Life is an essay
Malaysia, what I know and you should know
Malaysia, what I know and you should know
Malaysia, what I know and you should know
Malaysia, what I know and you should know 
Most successful leader in Malaysia

A national treasure (Malaysia)

Malaysian cars vs foreign cars:

Early childhood education shapes children personality
Technology kills humanity
Genetic engineering
Malaysian traditional dance
Bilingual education
Traditional foods

Environmental problem facing by my country 

School based assessment