Wednesday 30 September 2015

Life is essay

Hi readers
My name is Muhammad Syafik b Syukri. Yes, I am one of admin this blog. I am not perfect. I am not rich as Bill Gates, not handsome as Justin Bieber, not good enough in sports and not genius as Newton. I just a common teen. I always make mistakes. Some people hates me. I make mistakes and I say things I don't mean. I always try to control my brain but sometimes it beyond my control. My heart only speaks for itself and once got it own mindsets,there is nothing i can do to change it. There is two sides of me. The side that everyone see and the side that only a handful of people really get to know. I can be selfish and  overconfident. But also I can be beyond negative, careless, and I can feel as if all the weight in the world is placed on my shoulders. I can be the happiest person on this planet, but also I can feel as if I am just done with everything. Sometimes i get good grades but i also get bad ones.
I am not a perfect person and throughout my whole life I am going to be disappointed and brought down. However, I am also going to disappointed and bring down. Life is full of up and down like my mom always tell me. It is full of lessons and it is full of suprises. Achieving perfection is nothing but a mitos. The only way we can really achieve perfection is by making our  own definition. I guess all I am trying to say is I am only human, along with everybody in this world. I will continue hurt and be hurt, laugh and make someone laugh, and also love and be loved. It is what it is. Life is an essay. Your own essay. We must create a beautiful story by self. Life only what you make of it.
You only get as much as you put into it. So don't waste time to talk on how imperfect life can be, but just keep trying on making it your definition of perfect. People can only give you so much advice, but when it all comes down to it the decision will always be yours. Stop complaining on your imperfect life. Try hard and do action more than speak. Because
Life is an essay and life only what you make of it.
- Muhammad Syafik